Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bright Idea

I have been making crochet cushions and bought few cheap cushions from Ikea for $1.99 but they where to flat.

I wanted something more full so went back to Ikea found what I was looking for but boy it was going to hurt my pocket so I continued shopping getting other things I that I did not really need. Then a idea came to me so I bought 5 of those cheap cushions.

So I got a quick unpick/ seam ripper and unstitched where the lable was stitched in.

Got some hobby filler same stuff you use for crochet and knitted toys and stuffed it.

Did a quick stitch job since it won't be seen with a cover on it and now I have a more puffy cushion for less the price as the ones I was looking at and use the money I save on the other stuff I bought that a really did not need.