Friday, June 29, 2012

blog Deleted

Some how I deleted my blog so I could post but you click on and said dose not exist I hope I have fixed it and its all because google + signed me up and I deleted it stuff the whole settings on my blog sorry for not being around.

Don't You Hate It....

When you are crocheting away on the and you put your hook your anything else down and then go pick it up and its gone.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunshine Award

The wonderful Debi Y has awarded me the sunshine award. Thank you o much DebiY.

Now the rules state that I have to answer these questions and then pas the award on to another 10 blogs that I enjoy.

1) Favorite animal: Cats and Birds
2) Favorite number: 7
3) Favorite non alcoholic drink: Coke
4) Facebook or Twitter: Facebook
5) My passion: Crochet and other Crafts
6) Getting or giving: Both
7) Favorite pattern: There is none but if I had to choose it would be any amigurumi
8) Favorite day of the week: Saturdays my partner dose not have to rush of to work so we can cuddle more.
9) Favorite flower: Daffodils
10) Favorite country: Australia

And the 10 bloggers are:

 2:Hooks and Books
 3:Grannies Ripples and More
 4:Notes from a Crazy mothering chick
 5:itsy bitsy spider
 6:Stitch of Love
 8:Bobo Bun
 9:Plus 3
 10:wool n hook

None of you have accept just letting you know I enjoy your blog.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Baby Booties

I've been busy making crochet booties. I have made over 6 but I do not know where I have put the rest there some where in all my junk.
I have alot of crochet stuff I have made over the years and think I should start sell my crochet items any advice I have tried facebook but friends and family just want me to give it to them so I am not doing that again.